additional activities marcelle van bemmel

1983- '86 BKR Committee Rotterdam
1987 -'89 Artotheque Committee Rotterdam
1987 WVC committee Beroepskostenvergoedingen Rijswijk
1988 -'89 Foundation BKVB committee Beroepskostenvergoedingen Amsterdam
1990 jurymember competition SKVR Rotterdam
board member EDGE '90 festival for Performances and installations in
London, Newcastle en Rotterdam, Madrid
1991 guest teacher Vrije Academie Den Haag
guest teacher Hogeschool voor de kunsten Arnhem
1992 jurymember competition SKVR Rotterdam
guest teacher Vrije Academie Den Haag
committee Hogeschool v.d. Beeldende Kunsten Arnhem
guest teacher Rijkshogeschool Maastricht
jurylmember exhibition SKVR Rotterdam
1993 committee Budgets Female Artists Amsterdam
1995 judge final exams Koninklijke Academie Den Haag
guest teacher University of Visual Arts Arnhem
1990 - '97 advising participants performancefestival Cagliari
1999 - present Centre of Visual Arts Rotterdam Documentation/Information Desk (18 hours a week)
1999-2002 guest curator at the Historical Museum Rotterdam for exhibition
‘aan de deur werd veel gekocht’.( about sales at the door ) Writing book of the same title
2002 four guest lessons at MBO schools
guidings along sculptures in Rotterdam, concept by arthistorian Esther Tap
guest teaching at Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam